Anti-corruption work in JSC Kuzlitmash
JSC Kuzlitmash (hereinafter referred to as the Company) pays attention to the issues of combating corruption, improving methods for preventing, detecting, suppressing and eliminating the consequences associated with this type of crime.
The work on combating corruption in the Company is based on the planning and coordination of anti-corruption activities and is carried out in accordance with Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the fight against corruption", a program to combat crime and corruption and other acts of anti-corruption legislation.
For the purpose of an integrated approach to the issues of combating corruption, reducing the level and changing the structure of corruption offenses, coordinating anti-corruption work in the Company, an anti-corruption commission has been created and is functioning, which, in addition to legislative acts of higher organizations, operates on the basis of the Regulations on the Anti-Corruption Commission (approved by order No. 2122 of 09/03/2018), as well as approved annual work plans. In order to implement the legislative anti-corruption requirements in the company, the Anti-Corruption Action Plan of OJSC Kuzlitmash for 2023-2024 was approved.
In addition, as a methodological assistance in carrying out anti-corruption work, the commission developed and approved A leaflet on the basic norms of anti-corruption legislation, Regulations on the procedure for preventing and resolving conflicts of interest, as well as other local legal acts and administrative documents coordinating local anti-corruption work in all areas of the financial and economic activities of the company.
In order to create an atmosphere of intolerance towards corruption crimes, inform on anti-corruption issues, as well as provide feedback, a box of “questions and suggestions” is placed in the public domain on the territory of the Company (which ensures the confidentiality of the applicant), the headings “Anti-Corruption” function on the official website ”, at the stand of the anti-corruption commission of the company there is information on anti-corruption issues, as well as contact details of the members of the commission. OJSC "BELAZ" - the management company of the holding "BELAZ-HOLDING" operates a round-the-clock "Hotline" for combating corruption by number 8(01775) 2-60-02.
The work on prevention of corruption manifestations in the Company is carried out by the anti-corruption commission.
The main tasks of the commission are:
- accumulation of information on violations of anti-corruption legislation committed by employees;
- generalization and analysis of information received, including from state bodies engaged in the fight against corruption, about violations of anti-corruption legislation by employees of the company;
- timely identification of corruption risks and taking measures to neutralize them;
- development and organization of anti-corruption measures, analysis of the effectiveness of the measures taken;
- coordination of the activities of structural units for the implementation of anti-corruption measures;
- interaction with state bodies engaged in the fight against corruption, public associations and other organizations on anti-corruption issues;
- consideration of issues of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest;
- Take measures to eliminate the consequences of corruption offenses, offenses that create conditions for corruption, and other violations of anti-corruption legislation.
In order to implement the adopted anti-corruption measures, the Company developed and approved the List of positions of JSC Kuzlitmash of persons equated to public officials.
According to the norms of the legislation, persons equated to public officials include: persons who permanently or temporarily or by special authority occupy positions in non-governmental organizations related to the performance of organizational, administrative, administrative and economic functions, with the exception of public officials; persons duly authorized to perform legally significant actions; members of the public in the performance of duties for the protection of public order, the fight against offenses, the administration of justice.
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